Unresolved childhood emotions and trauma can affect us well into adulthood.
Healing your inner child involves reconnecting with those past experiences, addressing the pain, and nurturing the parts of yourself that were hurt or neglected.
Discover and address unresolved issues from your past to understand and heal the emotional pain that affects your present self.
Let go of fears and negative patterns that hold you back, allowing for emotional freedom and personal growth.
Cultivate kindness and self-acceptance to enhance self-esteem and resilience.
Rediscover your true self by aligning with your core values and passions for a more genuine and fulfilling life.
Copyright © 2022 Suzi Meffen - All Rights Reserved.
Address: 4680 Lipscomb St Suite G, Palm Bay, FL 32905
Phone Number: (678) 570-8169
Disclaimer : As a retired trauma therapist Suzi is no longer accepting clients with,
unresolved physical or sexual trauma histories, suicidal ideations, or a history of psychosis. Thank you for understanding.
Recovering addicts & alcoholics must be stabilized in their recovery program for at least 1 year
**For true medical emergencies call 911**
Please Dial 988 for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress
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