Would you like to feel more competent in grief recovery? Do you experience burn out or compassion fatigue?
Would you like to deepen your skills to include emotional and spiritual healing for yourself and your clients?
If so, please consider experiential training, including case discussions in group and individual modalities for clinicians interested in becoming proficient at treating Codependency.
We can only take our clients as deeply as we have healed ourselves.
As therapists and counselors many of us learned counseling behaviors in our own family of origin and this can create counter-transference and un-healed wounds. Learn how treating and healing unresolved issues can enhance your personal and professional life, prevent burn out, expand your personal peer network and face any unresolved issues. We can only take our clients as deeply as we have healed ourselves.
Learn how to help partners of, adult children of, and siblings of Alcoholics/Addicts or people with a Mental Illness. Experience protocols for healing clients with attachment issues, caretaking, perfectionism, Imposter Syndrome, soft core addictions and for helping recovering people in 12 step programs to heal their attachment issues and Codependency.
Codependency treatment cures core wounds and requires not only a cognitive understanding of these issues but a psychological, emotional and spiritual healing of these dynamics.
Codependency therapy includes an experiential deep dive into our own psyche. Explore resolving your attachments, relationship dynamics and personal lifestyle choices that result in a more robust personal and professional lifestyle.
With 40 years of personal substance abuse abstinence in 12 step recovery and 38 years of ongoing recovery from Emotionally Immature parents, I invite you to embark on a deeply rewarding experiential journey of healing from and of treating Codependency.
As an experiential therapist from a trauma-informed perspective, I have been rigorously trained in a type of therapy that is designed to heal my own personal history before treating my clients
I relish the idea of creating a community of psychotherapists proficient in individual and group therapy for Codependency survivors
Copyright © 2022 Suzi Meffen - All Rights Reserved.
Address: 4680 Lipscomb St Suite G, Palm Bay, FL 32905
Phone Number: (678) 570-8169
Disclaimer : As a retired trauma therapist Suzi is no longer accepting clients with,
unresolved physical or sexual trauma histories, suicidal ideations, or a history of psychosis. Thank you for understanding.
Recovering addicts & alcoholics must be stabilized in their recovery program for at least 1 year
**For true medical emergencies call 911**
Please Dial 988 for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress
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